Zoznam publikácií v Evidencii publikačnej činnosti UK nájdete tu.

  1. Pokorná, B., Chalmovianský, P., Collision-free Piecewise Quadratic Spline with Regular Quadratic Obstacles, KoG, 2016. (in press)
  2. Pokorná, B., Chalmovianský, P., Avoiding Quadratic Obstacles in the Euclidean Plane Using Cubic Bézier Paths, Proceedings of Symposium on Computer Geometry, vol. 22, 2015. (in press)
  3. Bátorová, M., Chalmovianský, P., Pokorná, B., Valíková, M., Singular Point of Curves -- Structure, Visualization and Application in Geometric Modelling, Information Technology Applications / Scientific Journal, vol. 2--2013, 2013, (p. 5--22).
  4. Pokorná, B., Chalmovianský, P., Planar cubic space-like Bézier curves in three dimensional Minkowski space, Proceedings of Symposium on Computer Geometry, vol. 21, 2012, (p. 93--98).
  5. Pokorná, B., Chalmovianský, P., Quadratic space-like Bézier curves in the three dimensional Minkowski space, Proceedings of Symposium on Computer Geometry, vol. 20, 2011, (p. 104--110).
  6. Gallusová, B., Bézier curves and their properties in Minkowski space, Proceedings of Students Scientific Conference FMFI UK, 2010.
Záverečné práce:
  1. Pokorná, B., Collision-free Low Degree Bézier Path with Regular Quadratic Obstacles, Dissertation Thesis, 2015.
  2. Pokorná, B., Quadratic space-like Bézier curves in three dimensional Minkowski space, Project of Dissertation Thesis, 2012.
  3. Pokorná, B., Kvadratické Bézierove krivky v trojrozmernom Minkowského priestore, Rigorózna práca, 2011.
  4. Gallusová, B., Bézierove krivky a ich vlastnosti v Minkowského priestore, Diplomová práca, 2010.
  5. Gallusová, B., Implementácia simulácie sneženia pomocou OpenGL, Bakalárska práca, 2008.