Prof. RNDr. Ján SRB (9. 4. 1898 - 22. 2. 1964) 
He was born on the 9th April 1898 in Telč where he attended the primary and secondary schools. He passed the school leaving exam in 1916.
1916 - 1918 – soldier in the World War I.
1919 - 1924 – study of mathematics and descriptive geometry on Charles University and Technical University, Prague
1923 - 1949 – teacher and principal on six secondary schools in Moravia
1949 - 1953 – teacher on Pedagogical faculty in Brno
1949 – aworded the degree RNDr. (Rerum Naturalis Doctor)
1950 – appointed as an associate professor
1953 - 1964 – teacher on the Faculty of Sciences of the Slovak University, Bratislava
1958 – designated as an ordinary professor
1960 – nominated to be a head of the newly created Department of Geometry of the Faculty of Sciences of Comenius University, Bratislava
His research and scientific interests – synthetic projective and algebraic geometry (decomposition of some collineation types to a composition of harmonical collineations, hyperquadrics, extending of classical Pascal Theorem, special projection methods of descriptive geometry in n-dimensional affine and Euclidean space).
He also devoted his work to methodology of mathematics teaching. He became a member of Moravian exam commitee for the teachers of secondary schools in Brno between two World wars
He was a holder of Comenius University’s Gold Medal and the Memorial Medal of Czechoslovak Society of Mathematicians and Physicists (JCSMF) and a Honorary member of JCSMF.
Prof. RNDr. Viktor SVITEK (22. 4. 1908 - 13. 6. 1971)
He was born on the 22nd April 1908 in Dohňany, district Považská Bystrica.
1928 – passed school leaving exam
1928 - 1934 – study of mathematics and descriptive geometry on Charles University, Prague
1936 - 1943 – mathematics teacher on secondary schools, Lučenec, Žilina
1942 – defended his dissertation thesis (projections in moredimensional spaces)
1943 - 1947 – mathematics teacher on secondary schol, Bratislava
1943 – he gives lectures in some branches of geometry on the Faculty of Sciences of the Slovak University
1947 - 1953 – professor on the Pedagogical Faculty
1953 - 1959 – professor and the head of the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences of Pedagogical College.
1959 - 1960 – professor on the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences of Comenius University
1960 - 1971 – professor on the Department of Geometry on the Faculty of Sciences of Comenius University
His interests and scientific research – synthetic and algebraic methods of projective and descriptive geometry, study of curves and surfaces from the projective-geometrical point of view
Monographs – New solving of curves and surfaces, Logical foundations of geometry. He wrote several textbooks – Introduction into the plane geometry, Introduction into the solid geometry, Projective geometry, Differential geometry, Foundations of geometry.
He was an executive in educational system and in the Czechoslovak Society of Mathematicians and Physicists (JCSMF).
Doc. RNDr. Milič Sypták, CSc. (22. 3. 1907 - 3. 12. 1983) 
He was born on the 22nd March 1907 in Prusinovce (Moravia). He entered the primary school in Prusinovce, the secondary schol in Holešov, where he passed his schol leaving exam in 1925.
1925 - 1929 – study of mathematics and descriptive geometry on the Faculty of Sciences of Masaryk University, Brno
1930 - 1932 – assistant of Prof. Seifert on the University, Brno
1932 – teacher on the secondary school, Zvolen, Slovakia
1933 - 1938 – assistant of Prof. Hronec on the Technical University, Brno
1938 - 1942 – he gave lectures of prof.Hronec after he (Hronec) left to Slovakia
1934 – aworded the degree RNDr.
1943 - 1946 – teacher on secondary school in Nové Město na Morave and technical secondary school in Hradec Králové
1946 - 1950 – teacher on the Pedagogical Faculty, Brno
1950 - 1979 – assistant profesor on the Faculty of Sciences of Comenius University
1961 – he got PhD. Degree (CSc., candidate of mathematical and physical sciences)
1964 - 1970 – head of the Department of Geometry
His interests and scientific research – differencial geometry of special curves in n-dimensional euclidean space (hypercircle, hyperhelix and their generalizations, evolvents, logarithmic and exponential spirals). His first two works appeared in Comptes Rendus, Paris. He was influensed by E. Čech, O. Borůvka, J. Hronec. Until his arrival into Bratislava he was a permanent member of Čech’s topological seminar. He was a coorganizer of seminar from complex projective geometry in Bratislava.
In 1969 he was awarded by a title „Merited teacher“.
Doc. RNDr. Vladimír PIJÁK (6. 6. 1923 - 6. 5. 1998) 
He was born on the 6th June 1923 in Ochodnica, district Žilina. He passed his schol leaving exam in Žilina in 1942.
1944 - 1947 – teacher on secondary schools
1948 - 1951 – student on the Pedagogical Faculty of the Slovak University, Bratislava
1951 - 1953 – assistant on the Pedagogical Faculty
1953 - 1957 – lecturer on the Higher pedagogical schoole, Bratislava
1957 – absolvent of a distance study of Mathematics – Descriptive geometry on the Faculty of Sciences of the Higher pedagogical schoole, Bratislava
1957 - 1959 – lecturer on the Department of Mathematics of the Higher pedagogical schoole, Bratislava
1959 - 1960 – lecturer on the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences of Comenius University, Bratislava
1960 - 1972 – lecturer on the Department of Geometry of the Faculty of Sciences of Comenius University, Bratislava
1968 – aworded the degree RNDr.
1972 - 1990 – associate professor on the Department of Geometry of the Faculty of Sciences of Comenius University (since 1980 – Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
He was a coordinator of the authors writing the university textbook Constructive Geometry and the coauthor of several textbooks for secondary schools.
Through the years 1971 - 1986 he was a head of the department of geometry, in the period 1972 - 1980 he worked as the vicedean of the Faculty of Sciences and the member of the Science and Research Board of the Faculty of Sciences.
Prof. RNDr. Václav MEDEK (23. 10. 1923 - 31. 3. 1992) 
He was born on the 23rd October1923 in Žilina where he also passed his school leaving exam.
1946 – graduation of the study of mathematics and descriptive geometry on the Faculty of Sciences of Slovak University, Bratislava
1946 - 1956 – assistant lecturer on the Slovak Technical University, Bratislava
1948 – aworded the degree RNDr. (Rerum Naturalis Doctor)
1956 - 1965 – associate professor on the Department of Mathematics and Desciptive geometry of Faculty of Civil Engineering of Slovak Technical University, Bratislava
since 1965 – professor on the Department of Mathematics and Desciptive geometry of Faculty of Civil Engineering of Slovak Technical University, Bratislava
His research and scientific interests – classical projective geometry, incidence structures, finite projective planes (synthetic creation of Hesse cubic, non-linear systems of conic sections, maps of projectivities and plane collineations into the points of 3- resp. 8-dimensional projective spaces, Rozenfeld’s interpretation of complex space, finite ovals), computer geometry and computer graphics (the construction of the contourof convex surfaces, the boundary of of finite set of points in a plane).
He is the author and the coauthor of several university textbooks and textbooks for secondary schools as well, e.g.:
Čeněk - Medek: Kurz deskriptívnej geometrie I, II, (1952, 1954)
Piska - Medek: Deskriptívna geometra I, II (1966, 1972, 1975)
Medek: Deskriptívna geometria (1962)
Medek - Zámožík: Konštrukčná geometria pre technikov (1978)
Medek, Mišík, Šalát: Repetitórium stredoškolskej matematiky
He was an executive in the Czechoslovak Society of Mathematicians and Physicists (JCSMF) nearly 30 years (since 1973 untill 1981 - the president of Slovak Society of Mathematicians and Physicists (JSMF) and the vice-president of JCSMF, the coordinator of the commitee for mathematics on technical universities, the coordinator of the commitee for descriptive geometry, computer graphics and technical drawing).
He also devoted his work to the popularization of mathematics (and descriptive geometry) in printed media, broadcast and television. He was a member of editorial board of several journals and Editor in Chief of the publishing house ALFA.
He was the coordinator of the Terminological commitee (for mathematics) of Slovak Academy of Sciences over 20 years. He was a coordinator of the authors writing 5-lingual mathematical translational dictionary.
He was an organizer of scientific seminars, several scientific symposia and conferences.
Doc. RNDr. Michal GRAJCAR, CSc. (20. 10. 1930 - 19. 10. 1995) 
He was born on the 20th October 1930 in Oľšavica, district Levoča. He passed his school leaving 1950 in Prešov, then he worked as teacher on the grammar school in Brutovce, district Levoča.
1951 - 1955 – the study of mathematics and descriptive geometry on the Faculty of Sciences of Comenius University, Bratislava
1955 - 1960 – lecturer on the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences of Comenius University, Bratislava
1960 - 1980 – lecturer on the Department of Geometry of the Faculty of Sciences of Comenius University, Bratislava
1967 – aworded the degree RNDr. (Rerum Naturalis Doctor), defended his dissertations thesis in the branch Geometry and topology and got PhD. Degree (CSc., candidate of mathematical and physical sciences)
1980 – appointed as an associate professor in the branch of mathematics
1980 - 1984 – associate professor on the Department of Geometry of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Comenius University
1984 - 1995 – associate professor on the Department of Fundamentals and didactics of mathematics of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Comenius University
His research and scientific interests – the geometry of n-dimensional Euclidean space (metrical properties of simplices). He was a member of the research team for modernizing the mathematics and descriptive geometry teaching. He was the coauthor of university textbook Constructive geometry (1984), Small encyclopedia of mathematics (1978) and 5-lingual mathematical translational dictionary.